Newsletter for International Working Group on Fishes
especially Vertebrate microremains
ISSN 1032-1314 [registered serial of the National Library of Australia]

This serial began in 1987 on the hillsides of Yunnan Province in southwestern China during the Early/Lower Vertebrates Symposium field trip when a group of Palaeozoic fish palaeontologists decided that we needed to keep in touch and swop news and information. From a small International Palaeontological Association grant, Dr Sue Turner started the first issue in 1988 and continued to 2001. The name reflects the content on small fish fossil remains: ‘ichthyolith’ or stone fish being an old term for teeth, scales, bones etc. The issues were not intended to obtain taxonomic descriptions but some articles are cited as scientific publications.

Special publications began in 1993 for the Walter Gross Symposium abstracts at Göttingen University and have been used for conference abstracts ever since. A new issue is in preparation on the history of fossil fish workers (contact the editor for details). Back issues can be purchased from me so have a look at the next page for details of the various issues, specials and how to pay.
Publisher-Editor: Dr Susan Turner (Co-Project Leader IGCP 328 1991-1996) 69 Kilkivan Avenue Kenmore Queensland 4069 Australia

Fx: 617 3406 8355